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Online Course on Dashboard Best Practices

Screenshot of Dashboard Best Practices training on a monitor connected to Mac Computer


There are numerous ways to provide an engaging learning experience. One of the more traditional ways is through an eLearning module. When connected to an LMS, eLearning classes provide analytics to discover how learners are interacting with class content. This provides valuable insight on how to update the class in the future to make it even more effective and enjoyable for learners.


The module linked below is part of a larger training on an introduction to creating dashboards on political campaigns. It can also stand on its own as an individual training. The audience is for anyone on a campaign tasked with creating a dashboard that isn't quite sure what to do. The intention is to have working knowledge in a "just in time" format as creating a dashboard is generally a very urgent need.

Process and Tools

The Dashboard Best Practices module uses real world examples and encourages learners to collaborate with their teams throughout the training. The training follows the natural flow of creating a dashboard starting with improving data collection processes. Learners can then explore materials about working with stakeholders and using Universal Design at the foundation of dashboard design. Each step of the way is a knowledge check and the training concludes with a short summative quiz that's easy if you've reviewed the content but challenging if you haven't. I used Rise 360 to create this course as it offers engaging learning activities, accessible features and clean designs.

Below is a screenshot of one of the interactive elements where learners view the way potential data entry issues show up on a dashboard. To explore more, please take a look at the full Dashboard Best Practices training.

Screenshot of example of content included in Dashboard Best Practices Training, "Accurate and Timely Data" page with charts to click on and learn more.

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